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Ratioplan goes Green

Ratioplan goes Green

Dear customers,
Dear business associates,

we are switching: to chromium VI-free galvanizing

In order to better protect our environment and groundwater, RATIOPLAN will gradually switch to chromium VI-free galvanizing in 2022!

RATIOPLAN is becoming more sustainable!

Until now, all grid parts were galvanized in a chromium VI galvanizing bath to achieve optimum corrosion protection.
Chromium VI – in comparison to the use of chromium III – is much more harmful to the environment. We have therefore decided to use the new, significantly more environmentally friendly process of chromium III galvanizing in conjunction with an overlying coating from the start of 2022.
This coating consists of an inorganic sealant based on silicon compounds, which is ideally suited for zinc alloys and thus continues to offer very high corrosion protection for the individual grid parts.

Ratioplan thus implements the REACH regulation, which is binding in Europe (registration, evaluation, authorization of chemicals). The ordinance regulates optimum safety for people and the environment in the manufacture and use of chemicals.

What will change for you? First and foremost the look of our roll containers!

The new galvanizing with chromium III and the aforementioned coating is significantly paler in the gold color and looks silvery with a slight gold tint.
Nevertheless, this galvanizing cannot be compared with pure silver galvanizing. This is because silver galvanizing only offers around a third of the corrosion protection of chromium III and the subsequent coating is usually missing.

The most important thing:
The proven Ratioplan quality, produced exclusively in EUROPE and using the most modern and sustainable production methods, remains unchanged!

We look forward to mastering the new challenges together with you

Your Ratioplan – Team

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